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Posts tagged ‘marketing technology’


The Impact of AI on Marketing Jobs



Marketing organization haven’t changed much in the last 40 years or so. But that’s about to change.

We live in a world of exponential change. As we have moved from the industrial age, to the information age, to the mobile age, we now are entering the age of artificial intelligence and automation.

Advancements in computing is making computers to reach human brain capacity by 2025. By 2050 the projected power of computing will reach the capacity of all humans on earth. Already today it is projected that soon, algorithms, automation and robots, will impact 1 billion human jobs in 2020.

It is safe to say that marketing organization are affected too.

But what will be the impact, and how can we prepare? That’s exactly the subjects of this blog post. In this blog post, I want to try to answer the following questions that relate to modern digital marketing organizations:

  • What mega-trends are forcing modern digital marketing organizations to change?
  • What will become the new reality for CMO’s?
  • What is the impact of this on the tasks of people within a modern digital marketing organization?
  • What should you do as a marketer to embrace this change?

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How to Keep Up with Rapid Change in Marketing?



Marketing is changing rapidly. Do you also have the feeling that marketing has changed more in the past 2 years than the past 50 years?

Marketing is changing faster, I agree. Even stronger, most marketers today feel overwhelmed with the speed of change happening in the job we are passionate about.

On top of that, marketers do not have a clear consensus on what areas to focus on in the future. And when they want to introduce new marketing innovations into the organization, they hit resistance to change, lack of budget and lack of skills.

In this blog post I want to cover the following:

  • The entire history of marketing and technology through time: how fast are things going?
  • Why you need to go faster when introducing change,
  • How you can speed up the introduction of these changes into your organization.

Okay, let’s get started… Read more »


CMO’s and CIO’s: Marketing needs Partnerships with IT


In most organizations, digital marketing grew up in a silo, separate from the rest of the marketing department. That’s because initially digital touch-points like websites, email and online advertising were not seen as the heart of the business.

But today the world has changed.

Digital channels, content and technology are influencing people’s buying decisions in all markets, at every stage of the customer life-cycle.

In this blog post I want to share you my thinking on how IT and marketing should forge a partnership to keep up with the challenges of the modern organization, doing business in an evermore digitalizing world. Read more »


Digital Marketing Transformation – 3 Strategic Pillars of Change



Marketing in the eyes of CMO’s is becoming increasingly complex. Embracing this complexity is not easy, as it requires changes in your organization, skill-set and technology. Embracing this change requires a digital marketing transformation.

But it’s a necessary change: the technology revolution and the increasing power of large dominant internet players are forcing modern CMO’s to rethink their strategy.

The action required required boils down to 3 strategic pillars of change:

  1. building a customer centric organization
  2. Introducing a broad new skillsets
  3. Investing in backbone marketing technology


Let’s take a deep dive in each of these strategic pillars of change…

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Best-Of-The-Best Marketing Ebooks of 2015

best marketing ebooks 2015Marketing is changing rapidly. Some say it has changed more in the last 5 years than it did in the last 500 years.

Responsibilities of CMO’s are also increasing due to the shift in buyer behavior and the fast changing world of marketing technology.

We may very well be entering a golden age of marketing, but this is not coming without some cost.

That cost is visible as a whole new learning curve for marketers, who are starting to have to be more and more technical. And on the other side you have technical people, who are having to learn more marketing.

Modern marketing leaders, or aspiring modern marketers must learn to master the discipline of lifelong-learning by continuously reading, studying and experimenting in an ever expanding field of marketing expertise.

Today, like I did in 2014, I want to provide you with a selection of the best marketing ebooks that have been created in 2015. These marketing ebooks are part of my way of lifelong learning, and I want to share some of the best that I found in 2015 with you.

(if you are not interested in the little personal story that follow, just scroll down to find the list of best marketing ebooks of 2015 !) Read more »


How to become a digital marketing organization?

digitally empowered buyersBuyers today have become more digitally empowered than ever.

It’s changing their buying behavior, which provides new challenges to those aspiring a digital marketing organization.

In this blog post I’ll cover:

  • the overarching reasons why marketing must change to keep up with changing buyer behavior 
  • how certain marketers are trying to trick the system, without any chance to success
  • why marketers are loosing ground against the digital adoption speed of buyers
  • what roadblocks you need to overcome to become a digital marketing organization

And at the end of the post, I’ll cover

  • 19 specific changes you can make in terms of organization, technology and tools, so you can become a digital marketing organization.

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