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How to become a digital marketing organization?

digitally empowered buyersBuyers today have become more digitally empowered than ever.

It’s changing their buying behavior, which provides new challenges to those aspiring a digital marketing organization.

In this blog post I’ll cover:

  • the overarching reasons why marketing must change to keep up with changing buyer behavior 
  • how certain marketers are trying to trick the system, without any chance to success
  • why marketers are loosing ground against the digital adoption speed of buyers
  • what roadblocks you need to overcome to become a digital marketing organization

And at the end of the post, I’ll cover

  • 19 specific changes you can make in terms of organization, technology and tools, so you can become a digital marketing organization.

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From Visual Storytelling to Visual Marketing: The Undeniable Bigger Trend

visual marketingOK, a little warning is appropriate here. This is a blog post where I slightly get out of my comfort zone because I am actually going to tell you a story.

Before you go all mellow and zap away, bare with me for a second. Just listen to me for a while, and you’ll begin to see a much bigger trend currently happening in marketing. Using a few brilliant examples I’ll explain the bigger trend behind visual storytelling, and how it should transcend to become part of everything you do in your marketing.

What follows is a true story, but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you: I am not the best storyteller.

So here goes nothing… Read more »