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How to Keep Up with Rapid Change in Marketing?



Marketing is changing rapidly. Do you also have the feeling that marketing has changed more in the past 2 years than the past 50 years?

Marketing is changing faster, I agree. Even stronger, most marketers today feel overwhelmed with the speed of change happening in the job we are passionate about.

On top of that, marketers do not have a clear consensus on what areas to focus on in the future. And when they want to introduce new marketing innovations into the organization, they hit resistance to change, lack of budget and lack of skills.

In this blog post I want to cover the following:

  • The entire history of marketing and technology through time: how fast are things going?
  • Why you need to go faster when introducing change,
  • How you can speed up the introduction of these changes into your organization.

Okay, let’s get started… Read more »