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Posts tagged ‘Twitter in B2B’


The power of Twitter for B2B marketers – and what it must mean to you personally

Wet_roller_coasterIf you are like many businesses around the world, and not working for a marketing department ;-), the idea of being active on Twitter is crazy.

Let’s face it: why on earth would you want to invest time in a “communication platform” that can only handle 140 characters, and has an average life time of 1 to 3 hours per message? Yep, indeed, crazy. What on earth would you make decide as B2B marketers to start using Twitter for B2B in for your marketing?

Let me tell you my story on how I started understanding Twitter, how I started using it, and what it means for every B2B company out there.

The initial spark

Like many B2B marketers out there, I knew about Twitter. But as I didn’t really see the value of the platform for my job, and for my company, I only shortly looked at it and dismissed it quite quickly. It wasn’t until I read “The Conversation Manager”, a book from Steven Van Belleghem, after which I started realizing that this social stuff is something I needed to investigate (yes, painful to admit it is).

new rulesSomehow, I can’t remember exactly how anymore, I ended up reading “The New Rules of Marketing & PR” of David Scott Meerman (@dmscott). This book literally blew me out of my comfy marketing chair ! It gave me insight into how to do modern digital and social media marketing. It is still one of the best books I ever read, and I can highly recommend it to anyone.

It was time to leave my comfort zone.

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