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Posts tagged ‘e-commerce’


How to Create and Execute a Content Hub Strategy?



Online competition is intense. Soon, great content is only going to make it to page 3 of Google. Bigger competitors have more content and better content. And bigger budgets to promote that content.

To compete, you need to focus on a topic, and keep focussing on that topic to create a compounding effect. A content hub, along with a content hub strategy, helps you to focus on a topic, by publishing focused content on a central place.

This blog post covers some fundamental questions that need to be answered to build your content hub strategy:

  • What decisions you need to make before starting a content hub.
  • The concept of a content hub, and the different types of content hubs (branded and native),
  • a special case: e-commerce and content hubs.
  • and how to run a content hub operation.

Let’s get started! Read more »


Building the Best E-Commerce Content Marketing Strategy

Hao Hao en Xing Hui

What do panda’s have to do with content marketing and e-commerce?

How to survive in a digital world that allows shoppers to compare pricing, find excellent advice on products, and where Google is calling the shots?

Predictive search and search technology is advancing, with Google and all major social media networks are becoming more and more sophisticated in banning low quality content and classic SEO tactics.

Buyer behavior is changing rapidly. Shoppers consult more and more sources before buying, and they become more educated in how to do that.

How do you make the difference to your buyers?

This blog post will run you through some eye opening facts and examples from multiple industries, on how content marketing plays a role in e-commerce strategy today. And it will provide you with some practical insight on how to start building the best e-Commerce Content Marketing Strategy. Read more »